A boutique luxury travel agency

We are proud to feature the most in-depth hotel, cruise and rail reviews of any luxury travel agency on the planet.

Our attention to detail and our commitment to experiencing hotels, cruises and rail journeys first hand, means that we are able to offer practical, detailed and focused advice to our clients.

Our team of dedicated, multilingual travel professionals is also continually forging personal relationships with key decision makers in luxury travel, around the world.

Developing these relationships with hotel GMs, sales directors and other senior management means that we can ensure that our clients' needs always are prioritised by our partners in the industry.


Full Time Agents


Countries visited


Jarvis Marcos

Founder of TheLuxuryTraveller.com

Jarvis has been writing about travel since 2008, when an overland trip from Estonia to Japan completely transformed his outlook on the world.

Since 2013 his focus has been firmly on the luxury sector.

He has flown the majority of the world's First and Business Class cabins and has personally reviewed luxury hotels in 40 countries, visiting a total of over 70 countries.

Kamara Harding

Co-Founder of TheLuxuryTraveller.com

Having lived in various countries - from England to Nigeria, China to Austria - travelling has always been an integral part of Kamara's life.

While she loves a nature-focused adventure (almost as much as the mosquitos seem to love devouring her), she's most in her element in a big, modern city.

She's visited 58 countries so far, gaining first-hand experience in a wide variety of destinations.